Since I posted up my cover of this awesome song, I’ve been overwhelmed by the positive feedback. Here is some of it:
From the writer/producer of the original song, Atlanta-based WLPWR:
Post by SupaHotBeats.
Post by SupaHotBeats.
Post by SupaHotBeats.
Also from the writer/producer, posted on Twitter:
‘Til it's gone – Yelawolf piano cover by Martin Carline’
— SupaHotBeats (@SupaHotBeats) September 24, 2014
From the Yelawolfpack fan page:
Post by Yelawolfpack.
Last but not least, I’ve set the YouTube comments to import below. Thanks so much to everyone who gave me feedback, and to WLPWR for writing such a fantastic song in the first place. I think it’s going to be huge!
Your cover was lovely. C:
I’ve always wanted to play piano but I can’t get my hands to play
separately. They want to move in the same way and hit the same keys instead
of one do one thing and the other play the other thing.
New cover of Yelawolf – Till It’s Gone as featured in Sons of Anarchy
Season 7 Episode 2 – enjoy! #sonsofanarchy #sonsofanarchyseason7
#yelawolf #tilitsgone #piano
Nicely done!
It sounded so much better slower, but I understand why you played it at
such a high tempo. Either way it was awesome
This is great! Thank you for sharing!
Very nice
WOW!!! I LOVE IT! Makes me even more emotional than the original! I just
shared your cover it with the Producer WLPWR of Supahotbeats! I’m sure
he’ll love it too!
LOVE this song! Dope cover 😉
This is amazing!! I posted this on the @Yelawolfpack on facebook to close
to 300,000 followers. The producer of this song WillPower of
@Supahotbeats also posted this on his facebook page. Thanks for taking the
time to make this incredible piece!! I think we all teared up a lil bit.
Pretty cool this one has more views than all the others ones you have done.
Stil you should have way more views on all your work. Thanks again!
Did you play this by ear??
Brilliant piece sounds very nice indeed on the piano
Am I crazy or at 1:30 do I hear your iPhone vibrate?
can i request something … instead of going fast at the verse .. play it
calm and simple , like add / remix with your own ideas .. it would be one
hell of a remix instrumental .. just sayin … good job here by the way ..
What? U didn’t say “Hallo” at the beginning
great cover. yelawolfs manager posted this on twitter 🙂 check out my remix
on my youtube channel Yelawolf Till its Gone – Rick MacIntyre Remix
Great cover, Could you do a tutorial at some point? thanks.
Great job. Thanks.
hey i know you from soundcloud 🙂 hey there …. accidentally i saw you on
I’d love to do a vid with you bro seen you 1v1 what a game with wcpot dope
u want to work with both of you check out my latest collab let me know what
you think please
Man that’s talent rite there real stuff
Can you please share the score?
We really enjoyed your clip.
This was awesome!
Come look at my stuff.
Put a full version!
Awesome! only criticism is that you didn’t play the whole song or sing it.
Still, great job! I enjoyed it <3
Your a bad ass
Awesome cover
this is why i wana start playing piano. I love hearing covers of songs like
this. Good stuff!
Tutorial, please
This is just awesome I really love it !
I know people ask you to do covers all the time…. With that being said
please consider Best Friend by Yelawolf! It was produced by Supahotbeats…
The same producer as Till It’s Gone! Please!
Hey man can you plz make a note sheet and put it in the discription or make
a tutorial. Thanks
tutorial? 🙂